Full Sturgeon Super Moon


Tonight’s Full Moon will be a Super Moon, the biggest and brightest Moon of the year. It is also the night of the Perseid Meteor shower, which means there will be lots of shooting stars dancing in the night sky. The August Full Moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon because this was the time when Native Americans would hunt wild sturgeon in the rivers, it is also known as the Corn Moon as this is a time of the corn harvest.

The Super Moon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife, but it also affects us. Our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp. Things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen.

If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a wind of change. The whole of earth is going through a massive transition at the minute. Summer is fading and Autumn is coming in, leaves are changing color and falling from trees, plants and flowers are dying and seeding the earth for next Spring. At the same time, crops in fields are flourishing with the harvest, fruit is now at its most ripe. We will feel this energy of transformation, we should use it to help transform ourselves into what we want to be.


Tonight’s Full Moon is in the constellation of Aquarius. This is a battle between heart and mind. Aquarius is a thinking sign, it deals in intellect and questions everything, but at the same time we want to be creative and let our hearts take over. We can do both, follow your heart, but at the same time be sensible, make wishes, but make them achievable. Aquarius is like an unexpected breeze on a hot summer day. It’s the surprise breakthrough that comes in the midst of struggle, or a startling event that wakes you up, like a cosmic alarm clock.

Change is upon us. It can be heart-wrenching in some ways. It could seem like you’re in the fire of change and there’s an element that’s beyond your control. The energies are about risking it all, to undergo that change that you sense is necessary. The risk comes from not knowing how it’ll change you. Realize that to live out new, promising visions, there’s a need to restructure. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, and it is up to you to decide what you do with it.

Most of all tonight’s Super Moon will be about healing. Let the waves of psychic energy wash over you, cleansing you of negative thoughts and feelings, let go of the past and welcome in the future. This is the harvest and it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.

If you have any talismans: Jewelry, signs, symbols, stones, crystals, herbs, or magical tools, put them out in the moonlight to cleanse them and fill them with psychic energy. If you see a shooting star tonight, make a wish.

Have a Blessed Full Moon & May the Goddess watch over you.



*Full Written Credit goes to Wicca Teachings. Photo credits are various.* 


Link provides additional information on the Super Moon phenomenon.

The Moon Is A Loyal Companion…

“The moon is a loyal companion.

It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do.

Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light.

The moon understands what it means to be human.

Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”

―Tahereh Mafi

Full Strawberry Moon

Full Strawberry Full Moon


Friday the 13th may be bad luck for some, for witches and Pagans it’s often considered a magical date. After all, Friday is named for Freyja, a Norse goddess of fertility (sometimes called Frigg). The ancient Egyptians associated the number thirteen with immortality, there were twelve steps on the ladder to eternal life and knowledge; the thirteenth step meant going through death into everlasting life. Upper-class Romans required thirteen guests to be present at weddings as did the Norse vikings.

Finally, thirteen has a strong association with the moon for modern Pagans and Wiccans. There are thirteen lunar cycles each year, and many of us celebrate the Full Moons with an Esbat rite. Thirteen is the traditional number of witches in a coven. You will not see another one of these occurrences until 2049.

fullmoonJune13 fullmoonsolstice

Tonight’s Full Moon, called the Strawberry Moon because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. It is traditional to eat strawberries on this day. If you have a lover or a love interest, give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon. It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married, or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it, and it is also a time when bees are at their most active.

Tonight’s Full Moon also falls on Friday the 13th. This will not be very significant for many, but for the superstitious it can hold a lot of significance and it won’t happen again for another 35 years, so it is very rare.

This Moon is all about balance, as it is exactly the middle of the year. It is a time to ask yourself what you have achieved throughout the year so far and if you are happy with it. Take stock of all you have and all you wish for, and work out a path or a way to achieve your goals in the coming months. This Full Moon is a great time to list what it is you want from life and to work out what you need to do in order to achieve it. Give your message to the universe and let it know what you want. Let your dreams, hopes, and wishes manifest.

The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which is a sign of truth, travel, and ambition. Things that were in the dark will now start to come to light, new truths will be revealed. Use the energy of this Full Moon to explore, make travel plans, see people, or talk to people you haven’t seen for a while. Sagittarius Moon asks us to step into a bigger picture, to look at our ambitions and act on them.

This Full Moon will have our emotions on high alert, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We will be feeling a little fragile at the moment so be kind and gentle with yourself, don’t be to self critical, try to stay positive and think about all the good in your life rather than the bad. There may be emotional desire to pack up and go off on an adventure to distant lands or visit places that bring up sweet memories. The sign of Sagittarius often feels its passion in travel, visiting new lands, and meeting people from other walks of life.

This is the Full Moon just before the Summer Solstice, which is the height of Summer. The earth is full of energy and life. Use these energies to inspire you, be creative and go out into nature for long walks, see the beauty all around you and embrace all life has to offer. Let the Moon heal and energize you.

Have a blessed Full Moon, may the Goddess watch over you.



*Most written credit goes to Wicca Teachings. Photo credits to Wicca Teachings.*

Full Flower Moon


Tonight will be the Full Flower Moon, named because of all the flowers blossoming and blooming at this time. May’s Full Moon is also known as the Bright Moon because it is very bright and the Corn Planting Moon because this is the time when farmers would plant corn for it to be ready for the harvest.

Like nature at this time, we are blossoming, we are growing day by day with the strength of the Sun. Like solar panels we are soaking up the Suns energy. The Full Moon is in Scorpio and it shines its light in the darkest places, encouraging us to peer in and see what’s there. Things that were once hidden will show themselves to us, we will be able to see ourselves and others in a whole new light and look at our lives more clearly.

Like a snake shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Scorpio calls to each to shed the layers that are ready, thus bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge. Welcome change, allow light of awareness to penetrate the dark areas of ignorance, shame and deep-seated resentment that lies hidden underneath issues. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon to symbolically die to be reborn.


Like with all Full Moons emotions will be raw at this time, we may find we are feeling a flow of different emotions and a feeling of being pulled in many different directions. Let the waters of Scorpio wash away your emotional pain and cleanse you of negative feelings.

The next two weeks will bring lessons in self-transformation toward a more effective destiny, such as moving on to bigger and better things. Continue to maintain balance as you clean up the residue of what has already fractured in your life. We are now in a new era, and are on the threshold of things beginning to develop a lot more quickly than they have in recent months. While things may still feel somewhat slow, they are about to quicken in a big way.

These are magnificent times! Change and shift are to be welcomed. Let the energy of this Full Moon help you see where you are emotionally stuck and resistant and surrender to the gifting that is coming your way.

Have a Blessed Full Moon, may the Goddess watch over you.



*Full Written Credit goes to Wicca Teachings. Photo Credits to Wicca Teachings and MagicalRecipesOnline.com*

Willow Full Blood Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse

Dust off your binoculars, or for you serious astronomy enthusiasts, get ready to show off your telescopes – it’s about to be the first eclipse of the year! A total eclipse is when the earth passes exactly between the full moon and the sun. This one will be a bit more rare, as it will be one of a series of four total eclipses without a partial eclipse in between, also known as a lunar tetrad, and lately, what people are calling a Blood Moon. 

The Blood Moon will be visible to the naked eye on at around 9:55 p.m. on April 14th, and continue overnight into April 15th. (If the latter date rings a faint bell, it’s because it also happens to be tax day.) The total eclipse doesn’t begin until 12:08 a.m. on the 15th, moving into maximum eclipse at 12:46 a.m. The whole event will last for about 3 hrs and 35 minutes.

Besides lunar eclipses being a celestial phenomenon in and of themselves, Blood Moon earns its special name due the red color created when sunlight filtered around the earth’s atmosphere hits the moon. The moon will look like your favorite sunrise or sunset, appearing dusty red/orange. It also has a spiritual meaning to some.

The remaining three eclipses in the tetrad will happen October 8th, April 8th, 2015, and September 28th, 2015. All will be visible in all parts of the United States, but the upcoming “ring of fire” solar eclipse, happening on April 29th, is limited to a small part of Antarctica.

*Partial written credit goes to White Magick Alchemy, as does full credit for the above Total Lunar Eclipse photo.*
In Chinese mythology, lunar eclipses occur because the Dragon, a masculine solar energy, is attempting to eat the moon. To counteract this effect, it was traditional in ancient China to make loud noises (e.g., bang drums) to frighten the Dragon away. As recently as the nineteenth century, the Chinese Navy fired its cannons during a lunar eclipse because of this belief.
In 1503 Columbus’ ships ran aground in Jamaica. During the year that Columbus and his crew waited for rescue, the natives took care of them. Eventually, however, the islanders tired of feeding them. Columbus had an almanac and knew of an upcoming lunar eclipse. Just before the eclipse, he told them that his God was angry and would show them that evening. When the moon was eclipsed that night, the islanders promised to continue providing for them, if Columbus’ God would restore the moon.
Various traditions credit lunar and solar eclipses with affecting human and natural events. Tibetan Buddhists say that during a lunar eclipse, our actions, whether good or bad, are multiplied one thousand fold. Astrologers say the occurrence of an eclipse can trigger wars, political events, and natural phenomenon (e.g., earthquakes).
The Christian Bible points to a possible lunar eclipse as an omen of the end of days.
*Full Written Credit to Everything Under The Moon*
Blessed Be!

Happy Black Moon For March 2014

Tonight is the Black Moon, named because it is the second New Moon in the same month. The second Black Moon to happen this year, as January also had a Black Moon, which isastrologically very rare.The New Moon in Aries heralds in a powerful new start. This is also the start of a new year in Astrology, the zodiac always starts with Aries.

This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to the womb of evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it’s chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes for the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. 

The energy of transformation is being seeded within each of us. So find your inner spiritual warrior who will guard your back and help keep you focused on your destiny. And don’t be afraid to step in and defend people, places, and animals who can’t help themselves. Find the kind of warrior energy you carry and bring it to the surface.

The New Moon in Aries makes a bold statement and thus leaves no stone un-turned as it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to the path that is untraveled. Within the unknown or unfamiliar, the Divine has the opportunity to bring in wonderful surprises. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want.

This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. Get rid of old baggage that holds you back. Let the fire of Aries cleanse and heal you. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn’t do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.

Have a Blessed New Moon, may the Goddess watch over you.

*100% written credit goes to Wicca Teachings*

The Full Snow Moon


Tonight is The Full Snow Moon (also known as the Storm, Chaste, Quickening or Hunger Moon). It is our wake up call. During this time, all in nature is pure and full of potential. The hibernating creatures are beginning to slowly arouse themselves, quickening their heartbeats, and creeping out of their dormant period. Mother Earth is gently awakening, full of new possibilities. The Snow Moon uses the same force upon us.

There is a gentle pulling upon our consciousness at this time, we become aroused to the latent forces within ourselves – now is the time to turn the mirror in upon ourselves, and see what is reflected. A time to grasp the buds of new paths and ideas, and like nature, be prepared to welcome life anew.

February’s Full Moon is in Leo, this is the sign of ambition and confidence, you should feel a rush of energy and want to get things done. The Leo Full Moon message is to awaken to your heart’s desires and act on your truth, figure out what it really is you want from life, then work out a bold plan to achieve it.

The Leo Full Moon can be emotionally charged. Leo is larger than life. Leo rules big emotions. Leo rules drama. You may feel overly sensitive to the remarks and actions of other people. This Moon can bring out the drama Kings and Queens in all of us. The Leo Full Moon may feel pretty intense. If you like intense, you may well enjoy its spark and energy, but if you’re already feeling somewhat jaded and in need of a rest, it might be a good time to lay low and let the world pass you by rather than engaging too deeply with it.

The Full Moon will be very bright tonight as it highlights our lives and shows us underneath the masks we all wear on a daily basis. This is a time to harness your inner power and your strengths and look to the future, make plans, and think positively. The cosmic message is to balance your heart with your head. Find the middle ground in your relationships. Live from your heart. Yet, be practical in your approach to your dreams and goals. Plant the seeds of fate within ourselves and watch them develop over the coming months.

Have a blessed Full Moon. May the Goddess watch over you.

*Full written credit goes to Wicca Teachings*


Full Cold Moon


The full moon on December 17th is called Cold Moon, Open Moon, or Big Winter Moon. As the sun sign is Sagittarius (November 23rd–December 21st), this produces a full air moon in the opposite sign of Gemini. Wiccan spells and rituals for this full moon relate to renewing contacts and communication with others by writing letters, placing phone calls, or face-to-face meetings.

This full moon is an ideal opportunity to cleanse and charge your tools for the Winter Solstice/Yule on December 21st, 2013.


December Flowers: Narcissus, Poinsettia, Holly

December Stones: Blue Zircon and Turquoise.

Credit goes to: Everything Under The Moon



This is an especially special Full Moon because it is the last one of this year. It is a time to use the Moon’s light to charge our energies, and ready ourselves for Yule and the coming New Year. This particular full moon will not be boring and will have an unpredictable vibe along with it. What was stuck may suddenly begin to move or shift. If emotions are clogged, they may surface and flow. Allow this. Be as loving as possible with yourself, and others. The potential of the Full Moon in Gemini is to become aware of where you are engaging in dualistic thoughts, emotions, and behaviors on auto-pilot. This may be generating a lot of mental stress and tension plus sending out mixed signals to others and the Universe. Some people may be irritable and cranky. Emotions can be raw and urgent. Breathe deeply. Ground yourself. Keep a sense of humor. Be of good cheer. Be the calm in the storm. Get in the driver seat and empower yourself. Be honest with yourself. Stop arguing for your limitations. Take responsibility for your life. In this way, you can change what is not working. You are the master of your destiny. Take your power back from society and/or other people. Learn from your mistakes. Vow to do better next year. Make a commitment to your success. Be adaptable. Make friends with change. It is not the enemy. Change is your friend. Change sheds the old and gives birth to the new. With Yule and New year approaching look deep into yourself and ask what you want to happen in the coming year, ask yourself how you will bring it about. Make this the year that you make all your dreams come true. The energy from this Full Moon wants you to succeed. Tell the Moon your hopes and dreams write them down on paper and burn them by a white candle. As the smoke drifts to the heavens, the universe will receive your message.

Full Credit to the above goes to: Wicca Teachings