Mars Sun Earth Alignment


Today marks a special event, the alignment of the Sun with Mars and Earth. Although all three planets line up with each other just over every 2 years, energetically speaking, today (April 8th) to the 14th, marks a time of shedding conflict, the sense of being separate from God (and others) and beliefs regarding victim-hood, blame, threat and feeling like your life is being controlled by anyone other than your Self. If you have been holding on to old stories of the past, especially concerning the ‘struggle’ it has been to get you to where you are now, honor yourself and the space you may hold for newly awakened souls around you, and let them go. Ascension may not be an ‘easy’ path to walk, but when we hold on to every challenge we have faced to bring us to this now reality, we are holding on to illusion and creating this template for others. 

Looking at the 3 planets:

Mars has long been associated as the planet of war after having been the battle ground for many conflicts throughout the cosmic ages. Yet, if shed this belief, we allow ourselves to feel in to its gifts of inspired action, strength, and the freedom to realize that we are the Creators of our own reality.

Earth is our home. She helps us to fulfill our Dharma and plays host to the most expansive spiritual growth unlike any other planet in our solar system. Earth holds the basic keys for ascension; the lessons that help us to Master the body, mind and spirit at and individual and collective level.

The Sun symbolizes the idea of ‘God’ created by human beliefs. Many still hold the sun in fear for what it may do to mankind. And even in the awakened community, many speak of solar flares and the chaos they bring. Perhaps another subconscious belief that we need to ‘protect’ ourselves from God, or more to the point, hide from the truth that we are God incarnate – an embodied Divine essence walking the physical plane. Yet the Sun is the giving force of life. It holds within it the keys for creating, sustaining, and transforming life – all the keys we hold within if we are ready to embrace ourselves as the Master that our soul recognizes.

I asked the Elohim for an affirmation to share with you if you feel ready to shed and be done with old stories to embrace yourself as the Creator of your reality, as these 3 planets are supporting today.

If you can, sit outside and first connect with the earth below you, the sun above, and take the energy of Mars in to your Heart. Feeling aligned to all three beings, repeat with your intention:

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ “I release all threat, fight and doubt that I am anything else, but God. I embrace who I AM. I embrace my Divinity and walk the path of my Soul. And so it is.”

*Written Credit in full goes to Calista- Ascension Writer & Teacher*

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