I haven’t updated in five years and there’s a reason for that. Certain things (and people) became toxic, but I moved on. I have successfully been on another page this entire time. I will post the link, and slowly, but surely, this blog will come down completely. It might take another year or two, but it’s the right decision. 

I started out here feeling uncertain, but once certainty hit me, I moved on to bigger and better things. I will be tackling some new ventures with my writing and I hope that anyone who enjoyed my material here will join everyone else who enjoys me at www.poisoninlethaldoses.wordpress.com

You’re in for a different kind of ride. 🙂 Hope to see you all soon! 

Autumnal Equinox 2015


Today is the Autumnal Equinox when night and day are exactly at equal length. It is also one of the eight Pagan Sabbats, Mabon.

Mabon is mainly a harvest festival, it is the last harvest before winter comes. In old times it would be a time to start stocking up on fruit, wheat, corn, and grain for the winter months ahead.

This is a time of transformation. The great wheel has turned as we pass into a new season and say goodbye to Summer. The earth is going through a major shift, where darkness will now start to take over light as the nights get longer and days get shorter. Cold will start to take over warmth and death will start to take over life as plants wilt and trees start to lose their leaves, and fields become barren. Wild animals will start to gather food for the winter months and hibernate.

Mabon is a time of thanksgiving. We thank the God and Goddess for all that we have and thank them for the harvest. The sap of trees returns to their roots deep in the earth, changing the green of summer to the fire of autumn, to the flaming reds, oranges, and golds. We are returning to the dark from whence we came.

The Goddess is radiant as Harvest Queen and the God finally dies with his gift of pure love with the cutting of the last grain. He will descend into the underworld, his last day on earth will be Samhain when a gate will open between our world and the underworld. We enjoy the abundance of fruit and vegetables at this time. We should adorn our altars with pumpkins, nuts, corn, wheat, squash, fruits, and other seasonal fair and any falling leaves or acorns we may find to honor the season and to thank the waning Sun for the wealth of harvest bestowed upon us.

Mabon is also a transition for the Triple Goddess as she goes from her mother phase to her crone phase, her final phase from her journey of the year.

The Autumnal Equinox is a time of balance, of both light and dark, it is a time to look within ourselves and balance our thoughts and emotions, and to find balance in our lives. To embrace our dark and our light equally, as one cannot exist without the other. It is when we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens, working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

May your Mabon be memorable, and your hearts and spirits be filled to overflowing.


Full written credit goes to Wicca Teachings. Full editing credit goes to Lisa Marino.

Photo credit: Various.


Today is Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh. Lammas is a Pagan festival called a Sabbat. It is a celebration of the first day of harvest. Wheat and corn fields will be glowing a ripe golden colour now and the reaping will begin. Fruit will be ripe and falling from trees and bushes. The word Lammas means Loaf Mas. At this time, plants will begin to wither and drop their seeds that will be reborn in the Spring. The earth is going through a transition where darkness is beginning to take over light, nights will become longer, and days shorter. Death is taking over life and cold is taking over warmth as we head into Autumn.In Celtic times, this day was a celebration of the Sun God Lugh. the word Lughnasadh (pronounced Loonasa) means “praise Lugh”. It was a time of giving thanks to the Sun God for the harvest and giving offerings of bread, corn, and wheat. A bonfire would be built called a Lughfire where the offerings would be thrown into it.

This is also a celebration of the Goddess who after laying with the God at Beltane is now in her Mother Aspect and has given birth to the bounty we see.

Lammas is a time of personal reflection and our own personal harvest of our actions and deeds, events and experiences, gains and losses. A time when we begin the cycle of reflection of that which is our life. At this time we begin to reap what we have sown for all our hard work we have put in throughout the year. Primarily, Lammas is a time of thanksgiving, when we appreciate all we have in our lives and give thanks to the Gods and the earth for their gifts.

On our altar we should put harvest grains and ripe fruit to honor the season as an offering to the Gods. Also add fresh bread, any fallen leaves, and nuts are also traditional.

Lammas is a time of excitement and magic. The natural world is thriving around us, and yet the knowledge that everything will soon die looms in the background. Now It is a good time to rid yourself of all that is old to allow in the new.

Hoof and horn,
Hoof and horn,
All that dies shall be reborn,
Corn and grain,
Corn and grain,
All that falls shall rise again.

Lammas Blessings. May the God and Goddess watch over you.

Written credit goes to Wicca Teachings. 

Blue Moon In Aquarius

Tonight is a Blue Moon. The Blue Moon occurs when there are 2 Full Moons within the same month. The name Blue Moon comes from an ancient word which is “Belewe Moon”, meaning Betrayer Moon. Monthly Moon phases were each given names to prepare for various types of weather and crop rotations, so the extra Full Moon in a month would confuse people, thus giving it the name Betrayer Moon.Tonight’s Full Moon is rising in the constellation of Aquarius. There is so much happening around this Moon in terms of once-in-a-lifetime type chances. It’s as if we are all on the edge of something so big and we have to make the decision to take the path we’ve always taken, or jump into the territory of new possibilities.

This Full Moon in Aquarius is about celebrating our individuality, our little quirks that make us different from everybody else. Let your creativity come out. Do something a little different, dress a little differently, wear your hair a little differently, rebel against the norm. Take a walk on the weird side of life.

Our minds will be clear and uncluttered, we will be able to see things as they really are, we can take off our rose-colored glasses and take a good look at ourselves and the world around us as it is, not how we want it to be. This will also have us asking ourselves if we are happy with where we are and what we’re doing.

As amazing as this Moon will be, and necessary, it’s going to be one that challenges us on every single level. In the build up to this lunar event we may have been feeling restless, or have had an excess of nervous energy. Our pulses may have been racing, and it may have been harder for us to relax or fall asleep at night. Our spirits can sense that we are on the verge of something big, but it’s up to us to initiate change. We are on the threshold of having massive pieces of the puzzle collide.

There may be big changes or upsets in the status quo during the next several weeks. We may find ourselves acting in ways that only a few weeks ago, we never thought possible, but Aquarius is lighting a fire inside of our hearts and daring us to break the boundaries that have held us back for far too long.

While we may feel anxious at all of the possible changes being presented to ourselves, know that the universe won’t bring us anything we aren’t ready for. The truth of it is there is no such thing as the perfect time, so now is as good a time as any.

Everything that we have been going through the past year has been leading up to this Moon. It’s the time of infinite possibilities, of desires bubbling over and manifesting themselves in our lives in ways we never thought possible. No matter what has come in or out of our lives in the past few years, once in a while we are given the chance to have everything we’ve always wanted, we just have to make the choice now to not let it go.

Because certain chances only come around once in a Blue Moon.

Written & photo credit goes to Wicca Teachings.

New Moon In Cancer


Tonight is a New Moon in the constellation of Cancer. There is a wonderful sparkle to this New Moon. Something feels refreshing and even inspiring. Soak in the fabulous energy. Take time to be near water. A stream, lake, river, waterfall, rain, or the ocean. If you are not able to be close to a body of water, taking a nice bath with sea salt will do too. It is helpful to attune yourself to the water element. Flow and be. This will refresh, renew, cleanse, and heal you.

This New Moon in Cancer speaks of germination and new life. It encourages us to have faith in our potential alongside a deep resolve to ensure that potential is fulfilled. Just as an acorn contains the imprint of the tree it will become, so too do we contain our future selves in a form within us, waiting, slumbering, gestating, until the time is right to come forth into life and purpose.

In the darkness of this New Moon we are invited to dream our future selves into being. This is an intuitive Moon that has so much it wants to share and asks us to be ready to receive. It reminds us that no matter how often we may feel the necessary changes are too great for us to implement, the fact is the change has already happened. We are already transformed, we just haven’t realized it yet. It wants us to stop striving now, to relax, be still and recognize the deep peace within, in which our potential has its being. There is nothing to add, it tells us, nothing to do and nowhere to go. At this moment we have everything we need to be who we are meant to be. We are already complete.

This is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honoring our deepest, most irrational and intimate feelings, recognizing the sense of security and safety we need from our homes, jobs, family, partners, and friends. Allowing ourselves to accept support and offer support to others.

You will be feeling deep and raw emotions. Your feelings reveal what you truly love and value. They are your guidance system. Your passion for life is fueled by your feelings. They nourish your creative, artistic, and intuitive abilities. In fact, having all the wealth in the world does not matter if you do not feel good. Your feelings count. Trust your emotional instincts on this New Moon. Tap into your deepest darkest feelings for they will reveal who you really are and what you truly want.

Let the waters of Cancer wash over you and cleanse your spirit and soul.

Have a Blessed New Moon. May the Goddess watch over you.
Written content fully credited to Wicca Teachings. It has been edited for cohesiveness. 

Full Stag Moon In Capricorn

Tonight is The Full Stag Moon, so-called because young male stags will start to grow their antlers at this time. It is also called the Thunder Moon because of the thunder storms brought on through the hot and humid air.Change or be changed is the message of this Full Moon. Since the Summer Solstice you should have felt a sense of something shifting both within yourself and with the outside world, this is because we have crossed a line. The first half of the year is over it was mid year in June, we have now entered the second half of the year. This a good time to look back over the last 6 months and look at what you have learned, what you have lost and what you have gained. Take lessons from what you have learned good or bad and use them in your future endeavors whether this be in work, relationships or family.

Tonight’s Full Moon is in the constellation of Capricorn, Things could get interesting, to say the least, Keep in mind this is an atmosphere ripe for outbursts that are highly emotional and highly subjective. Emotions could hit extremes of both highs and lows, and everything in between, with quick, inexplicably loony shifts. We may find ourselves in a mood for no reason one minute then happy for no reason the next.

The Capricorn Full Moon will give us strength to work out what we need to work out in our lives, now is the perfect time to look into work or finances. A good saying is ‘The harder I work, the luckier I get’, which is the Capricorn motto. If there are any jobs that you have been putting off do them now, if you want to give up a bad habit use the energy of this Moon to do it. Look into money-making projects, it may be a promotion at work or a project you could start that will bring financial rewards. Many people call this the ‘Money Moon’ because it has the potential to bring you wealth or extra income.

This Full Moon will be about building foundations for the future, to make ourselves feel more secure in our surroundings and financially. We can only be happy when we feel safe and secure in our own homes and environment. Be ambitious, go for what you want or put plans into place to get what you want in the future. Be braver, be bolder. You will have an inner strength now that will pull you through anything that comes up against you.

Capricorn is the zodiac’s hero sign, the noble protector and soldier. Be your own hero, be a soldier, tackle any problems head on, deal with anything that has been bugging your life, get to grips with what is holding you back, break down walls and barriers that are stopping you from moving forward.

Use the energy of this Full Moon to heal your spirit. Soak up the intensified energy of the Earth and let it cleanse you.

Have a Blessed Full Moon and may the Goddess watch over you.
